What's On
From time to time, this space allows us to communicate what’s going on at the restaurant. These could include classic events, thematic ones that we hold every year as well as new events that we love creating.
Below, one may also purchase a gift voucher to give to someone special.

Valentine's Day
For some couples, going out on this day is an annual thing. For others, this may be their first date.
On this day, whatever it is, we enjoy seeing couples sharing and making the best use of their time together.
The menu is priced at €120 per person and a €60 deposit is being requested to guarantee the booking.
If you would like to join us, please view our menu or place a reservation by selecting the links below.

Purchase a Voucher
Giving someone a gift voucher at Bahia does not only represent the gift of food and wine. A gift voucher represents the opportunity for someone to spend quality time with someone else and enjoy a journey in a Michelin Starred restaurant. Please click below if you’d like to purchase a gift voucher.